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  • Writer's pictureSyd Jo

CONBODY is the Prison-Style HIIT Bootcamp that Will Kick Your Ass.

Updated: Feb 20, 2021

I love Conbody and I love everything it represents. It's a military-style fitness boot camp, so essentially the instructor will kick your ass with a deadly HIIT workout consisting of only bodyweight exercises- your body and the ground. But trust me when I tell you no weights are required to feel the burn. The burpees, my God.

I've taken in studio and the outdoor class, both are formidable. Their indoor studio is back open and booking on Class Pass. You can also livestream all the classes! Nothing starts my week off right quite like a Monday morning CONBODY class.

The studio also stands for so much more than getting in shape, but they're big protonates of prison reform and do a lot to facilitate changing perspectives and to make big changes in people's lives once they're no longer incarcerated.

CONBODY was founded by a former inmate, Coss Marte, who lost 70 pounds in the 6 months he was in prison with nothing but the walls and floors of his cell. They have such a great message, urging prison reform and "bridging the gap between young professionals and formerly incarcerated individuals". CONBODY partners with non-profit organizations to provide resources (educational, housing, employment, and mentorship) to former inmates. CONBODY has hired over 40 former inmates and has a 0% recidivism rate.

How to Make A Difference:

Watch 13TH on Netflix as the bare minimum. Educating yourself is the first step.

Donate to The Sentencing Project:

As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, individual donations provide vital support for The Sentencing Project as they work for a fair and effective criminal justice system.

Donate to ACLU here.

Read up on their Policy Priorities on Prison Reform:


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