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  • Writer's pictureSyd Jo

Johns of Bleecker- Voted Best Pizza in NYC by: not me, but everyone else.

Updated: Mar 8, 2021

Is the title enough?

Let me preface this with some full disclosure- I truly believe NYC pizza is overrated. As a Midwesterner, I appreciate thick crust and I want that baby drowning in ranch. I am, of course, a cultured bitch and I will always appreciate the slice naked before letting the sucker go for a deep dive in my ranch cup but overall- pizza is the dipping stick for my sweet creamy sauce.

So if I have to go to the bodega next door to get some off-brand bottled ranch to spruce up a slice, then you've probably dealt yourself a deathly blow as a self proclaimed "pizza place" No one's pizza is "too good" to at least have ranch as an option. (Notice I didn't say no one's pizza is better than ranch- because I HAVE had pizza that ranch doesn't do it justice. I'm a logically, fully functioning adult. Don't let my midwestern roots throw you for a loop.)

We had the classic, which was recommended to us, the pepperoni, and I get it- it's as CLASSIC as New York pizza gets, great sauce, perfect crisp, perfect thin level (for NY style) it is the quintessential slice! If the best pizza has ever been for you is a NYC slice- then go for it. I appreciate the pureness that is Johns of Bleecker. They're not trying to be over the top. They're trying to be everything you'd expect them to be.

Detroit style is so much better. I've had better pizza in Nebraska. Anywhere that specializes in a cheese slice? Not it. I prefer a flavor packed pizza- if you can do buffalo chicken to a fierce, flavorful point, you'll have impressed me far more than a plain cheese ever could.

So if you've ever wondered what the best New York pizza slice would taste like, go here to set the bar. I'm glad I know. It's given me the bar to rate Joe's pizza as absolute crap, at least.

Overall, if I want a thin NY slice, I'll head to a dollar joint- at least they'll let me drown my sorrows over the thinness of the slice and lack of flavor in some rich, velvety ranch greatness.


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