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  • Writer's pictureSyd Jo

The Spaniard is Your Late 20's HH Singles Spot in the Village.

Updated: Feb 20, 2021

This central location in the West Village is a perfect HH spot for the straights! It tends to carry some attractive groups of friends and I highly recommend it for that factor alone. There's nothing particular fantastic here food or drink-wise, though I've been told they carry a very popular burger that's a must-try for people who enjoy burgers. I'm from a place who very seriously refers to itself as "The Beef State," so I am typically one to judge. While I've never met a New York burger that stood a chance against my sky high meat quality bar, this one did look tempting.

One day, the back bar will be open again and we'll be free to wander around and enjoy this place for all that it is. But for now, head here to grab some spin dip and wine on the sidewalk with your pals. There will likely be members of the opposite sex doing the same.


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