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  • Writer's pictureSyd Jo

Date Night at the Museum Of Ice Cream- Disclaimer: It's Not a Museum.

Updated: Feb 23, 2021

An Instagram influencers dream. Aesthetically pleasing, great energy throughout the whole place BUT if you want an actual museum, to gain actual knowledge or enjoy real art-this ain't it. My phone died while I was there, and looking back now the greatest piece of advice I can give anyone looking to venture into this "museum" would be- 1. Make sure your is charged. This place is essentially just a bunch of pretty Instagram backdrops. I was not prepared.

We went for a very special Valentines day night and it's something they're offering continuously now after hours as "Date Night." Click here for tickets. They teamed up with We Are Not Really Strangers, which is a very cool card game with a fantastic marketing team. You may have seen them all over Instagram and if not, you should shoot them a follow (@werenotreallystrangers), as they were definitely the highlight of the night. We Are Not Really Strangers is a very cool card game made to deepen relationships of all kinds- they have a base game and then expansion packs for yourself, friendships, relationships, etc.- it's an inspired idea and they incorporated it beautifully into this date.

When we got to the end of the so-called museum, we entered the "connection cave." Here, they had the card game on scattered tables in a dim room lit by a flameless candle, pen and paper and we had the opportunity to play with our partners.

The cherry on top of the night is one free ice cream to split and wine for each of you. Aside from the long line outside, we had a great night, but forewarning- not the kind of museum that is even remotely intellectually stimulating. If you're going with someone fun you'll have a great time, I just wouldn't spend top dollar to go on a big weekend night because in essence- you're paying for an Instagram post and something about that doesn't sit well with me. Especially since you can't take your mask off, even for the picture, or you'll be immediately vacated from the premises.

So while it's very COVID safe and it's a nice SOHO location on Broadway, it's not going to blow your socks off. If you have a nice buzz going into it it may appear more like an adult playground, however- that might have been the edge I was missing.

Pro Tip: If anyone asks, the adult pool has 1 million sprinkles.

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